With baseball season in full swing, you can guarantee there will be millions of MLB fans who will faithfully support their teams by flocking to stadiums with their expensive tickets, buying their favorite player’s jersey, and talking with family and friends about the most recent additions (or even subtractions) from the clubhouse. You have to admit, for as long as America’s pastime has been around, people have loved the game. As an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, I am also one of the loyal fans who spends a lot of time rooting on my beloved team. But are we spending too much of our time watching instead of worshiping?
Think about it. We idolize players who make millions of dollars throughout the season, and most of them don’t even acknowledge us when we see them at the ballpark. We also spend countless hours watching our favorite teams on TV or following them on our phones. AND WHO COULD FORGET ABOUT THE MERCHANDISE AND MEMORABILIA? You’re not a devoted fan if you don’t own shirts that display the team’s past success or bobbleheads of current players.
While this isn’t a blog meant to bash baseball fans, it is clear that all of us, including myself, dedicate a great deal of time to certain aspects of life that we are truly passionate about. What if we took that same amount of love and more for our hobbies and gave it to the most important aspect of life? Jesus Christ. No matter if we give Him an hour out of our day or praise Him all throughout the week, everyone could spend a little more time working on their faith. As Christ followers, we need to have the same mindset as baseball fanatics. While it may not be necessary to hang up a Jesus pennant on our wall or throw on a pinstripe jersey with His name on the back, we can still be loyal fans by committing more of our day to reading the scripture, thoughtfully praying, and talking about His goodness with others.
Our Heavenly Father recognizes the love we display towards Him and returns that same compassion, which is something baseball can’t do, no matter how crazy we are about it. While the whole idea of serving the Lord wholeheartedly and being a testament to others about His righteousness is widely present throughout the scripture, the message is especially evident when Moses continues to press on God’s glory by discussing The Ten Commandments with all of Israel.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)
So, the next time you sit down to watch the game, just make sure God is always slotted at the top of your starting rotation.