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Christian Retreats Network

BlogBlog Post


By Kayla

I once read an article entitled “I Love My Children, But I Love My Husband More.” Now that’s a pretty bold statement, but nevertheless effective, since I read it. The main idea behind the article was about how you choose your spouse, not your kids, and that taking care of your spouse leads to a stronger marriage. Being a young, single, non-mother woman, I really could not apply any experience to this reading. However, it made some really interesting points and got me thinking about couple’s retreats.

Between work and kids, it can be hard to find time for just you and your spouse. Parents especially become so wrapped up in their kids’ lives that they neglect that one person they vowed to love forever. Maybe a little away time is all you need. Better yet, take the other couples from your church. You never know what you may learn from them. Plus, they may be in just as much need of it as you.

On this kind of retreat, it is important to go with a purpose, aka a theme. Choose one that will help couples grow in their relationship with not only each other, but also God. Use this time to tackle challenges that marriage poses, with reassurance from scriptures. Theme-based activities will have couples working and overcoming obstacles together in ways that can be lost during the everyday shuffle. For some theme ideas, click here.

Some may think that since this is a retreat for couples, the goal is to rekindle the romance. It may do that, but more important is what it does for a couple together in their faith. This isn’t like going to church together. Here is where you can pray together, and truly dive into God’s teaching and how it relates to you as a couple. Plus, after returning home, you will still have the support of your spouse to keep the impact and lessons of the retreat fresh.

The whole thing doesn’t have to be about spending time with just your spouse. Mingle with the other couples and get to know them, too. Split up the men and women, and let them share experiences and do activities with each other. This time allows for each group to learn and share what it truly means to be a husband/wife.

The bible has a multitude of scriptures that can help remind couples of the blessing of marriage. Use this retreat to remember what it is all about. It is said that “Marriage is God’s way of reflecting His love for us.” So why not celebrate that love on a couple’s retreat?

John 4:19 “We love because He first loved us.”

Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage be held in honor among all…”

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

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