There are plenty of people (adults and kids alike) in your community that don’t know Christ. Whether they have never been to church or just fell away, these people are who need reached the most. Jesus told of the importance of this in Mark 16:15-16 “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
So, what can you do about it? Every church strives to fill the pews on Sunday mornings. But at the core, the purpose is to reach as many people as possible with the message of God. Read that verse again. He says to “proclaim the gospel to the WHOLE creation.” Not just your friends. Not just your coworkers. Not just the prominent people in your town. Reach out to everyone!
Retreats are an ideal place to do this.
Invite everyone!! Put flyers up around town. Put it on the radio. Put an article in the newspaper. Whatever you have to do to reach people. Make sure that everything states how all people are invited. Encourage your current guests by asking them to bring a friend.
Now, these people may already be hesitant. Christianity can be a sensitive and scary topic for some. Then put a price of top of that event you are trying to convince them to give up their time for and you’re really getting into a hard sell. This could be the time to try a fundraiser. Use it to not only help offset costs for these new guests, but also can help to promote your event. Fundraising out and about in your town raises the possibility of more people learning about it.
Make sure to plan plenty of fun at your event. If non-churchgoers think that this will just be another church service, they won’t go. Retreats have plenty of time for fun, food and fellowship, which always leads into an awesome experience with God. While it is important to note that your church is hosting the retreat, make sure to emphasize all the fun involved. It’s well worth it. And don’t forget; invited EVERYONE.
“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7