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Seven Sustainable Swaps for the Christian Event Planner

By The CRN Team

Time, energy, strategy, creativity, and efficiency are just some of the main ingredients of event planning. But what about sustainability?

As an event planner, you probably already have a lot on your plate and are not actively looking to add more. However, incorporating sustainable practices into your planning is not as challenging as it may seem. With the right approach, you can easily make a significant difference.

But first, let's look at what sustainability entails. While the definition means to maintain at a specific rate or level, the term "sustainability" took on a broader definition as it became more mainstream in the last decade.

In 2024, sustainability refers to a collective social goal to maintain the Earth and its natural resources as intended.

As Christians, the concept of sustainability is not new to us. In Genesis 2:15, we are called to care for God's creation. Our faith inspires us to prioritize sustainability in our event planning to show our love and appreciation for God's creations.

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

We've compiled a list of simple, sustainable swaps to consider for your next event.

#1 Venue

When choosing a venue, ask about their on-site practices. Do they offer recycling bins? Do they have reusable tableware and cutlery? By choosing a venue that has already incorporated sustainable practices, you're making headway without any added effort.

If reusable tableware and cutlery are unavailable due to the volume of guests and workforce, choose disposable options made from recycled and biodegradable materials. Here are some green companies making biodegradable and compostable items:

#2 Transportation

If guests will be driving to your venue, a ride-share or carpool sign-up is a simple way to reduce transportation emissions and costs. An easy way to tackle this task is by creating a Sign Up Genius form. Reference this how-to blog from Sign Up Genius on how to build a carpoool on their website.

#3 Invitations

Mailing invitations is a classic and respected tradition; however, a sustainable swap would be to create an online invitation. If you cannot avoid mailing invitations, decrease paper (and postage) by switching to a postcard instead of an invitation and envelope combination.

A popular online invite option is Facebook Events. Facebook stores all your information in one place and tracks your RSVPs. Alternatives to Facebook include Sign Up Genius or Event Brite. These event planning giants will also track and maintain RSVPs for you. Lastly, if your organization has a website, ask the site administrator if it has an event planning feature. Many drag-and-drop website editors have this feature. From there, attendees can register and RSVP directly through your website.

#4 Communication

Instead of printing itineraries, opt for a digital PDF or slideshow. A fringe benefit is that you'll likely be able to include more information this way. When printing, we tend to condense information; too much paper can be overwhelming and take up a lot of space on a table. Create an online document using Google Docs or Canva and share it using a QR code. If there is a large monitor on-site, stream the QR code on the monitor. Otherwise, print a QR code and place it at each table for quick scanning.

You can link this QR to so much more than just your itinerary. Linktree is a great way to succinctly share information about your event, organization, and speakers.

#5 Catering

Regarding catering, a sustainable swap is to opt for local and seasonal food. By buying locally, you'll reduce your gas consumption and the environmental effects of transportation. The same goes for buying seasonal and local produce. When items are grown close to home, less energy is used, and less pollution is created as a byproduct of transportation.

#6 Décor

When choosing décor and centerpieces, consider upcycling, renting, or buying used décor. All three of these choices decrease consumption and consumerism. Unique, eye-catching centerpieces are appealing but cannot always be easily reused.

If you plan a lot of events, consider investing in a few sets of versatile vases that can be used for various seasons and themes. Arrange fresh flowers that are naturally biodegradable and add simple enhancements such as picks and ribbons to customize. At the end of the event, pack up the flowers and send them home with speakers and leaders as a token of appreciation.

#7 Make a Statement

Without sharing every swap or detail, share with your guests that you have prioritized sustainability and stewardship at this event. If the budget allows, consider purchasing reusable water bottles for the event that can be taken home as souvenirs. Have them personalized with a sustainable message or icon that matches your brand and theme.

Making sustainable swaps will become easier with every event you plan, and eventually, these green practices will become second nature. Continue to focus on forming positive relationships with vendors and other event planners with similar priorities and encourage others to do the same.

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

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Based at Lake Williamson / PO Box 620 / Carlinville, IL 62626